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The mountain top

The finger pointing towards the mountain top.

Throughout life, we seek happiness. Happiness and peace. We want to love and be loved. The desire of warmth and security has found a profound place in our hearts.

So then how is it we are incapable of achieving what we ache for with such vehemence?

“Do you look beyond the window or through it?” my mind asks. I wish I could answer “I always look beyond!” but it would be far from the truth. How often do we stop and try to visualize our planet in relation to our existences? Do we frequently judge and decide with the whole picture in mind or are we generally selfish beings who choose what’s in our interest and our interest alone?

What mindset stirs the way of thinking to a happier life?

“An interesting question” you say? Or “how stupid” is what you’d identify those lines with?

There are so many philosophical approaches to our existence on this planet next to religious ones. Is it possible for them to co-exist?

Happiness, what does it truly mean? Is it happiness when you feel without worries or that you’re content with your current situation in life? Does happiness occasionally imply to ignore certain events in your life?

I can’t resonate with the thought of true happiness, even though we all strive for it in our own ways. Whilst the definition of happiness may differ from person to person, the attributes related with it are generally the same. Content with your situation, free from sorrow and angst. And number of other, similar things.

It’s like perfect love. We all strive for it, but we never actually reach it. When the curtains of love fall and the person you revered stands before you with all his or her faults, reality strikes.

Happiness, perfect love, true peace… aren’t they all but unattainable goals? Aren’t our emotional expectations revealing one crucial fact about our existence on earth? I think they do.

Even if at a certain point in life we settle with a portion of those things or when we accept their appearances every now and then, we still do so by realizing our short time on this planet and in proportion figure out those goals to be unreachable. We settle for our journey with the amount we need are we can’t live without, but hope for the big package when finally, one day, we reach the tip of the mountain, the goal of our journey.

We are but journeyers.

Strangers on this world, passing through. And every time we try to settle, this place makes it clear to us: we aren’t welcome here.

And because we are strangers to this world and because we are passing through, we have to show tolerance.

Because this world shows tolerance towards us. It feeds us, it delivers us with materials to live by, to protect with and to find shelter under.

And through tolerance living alongside one another will become one tad easier. Attaining bits and pieces of happiness, of love will become easier. Thus the journey will become easier, more enjoyable, more bearable.

It would be a mistake to assume the possibility of perfect tolerance though.

But it would be equally foolish to not put tolerance and respect on the top of the priority list.

Because tolerance is like a roof, sheltering beneath all the other goals in our life.

PS: I might have lost the thread here and there, I’m sorry for that. Haven’t been writing for a while. :)


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