Waking up in the morning, asking yourself the same question once more: Who am I? You stand up, walk towards the door, encounter your mother, your father or your beloved one, and you ask yourself: where is all of this going? A shower, a breakfast, you leave the house for work and you catch yourself wondering: what am I doing with my life? Do you know the feeling of emptiness towards questions you postpone to answer? The same, consciousness drilling, agony triggering emptiness that haunts you with those other question marks in your life. An infinitely long string of troubling, nerve-racking questions that serve only the purpose of enlarging the hole of darkness within. Over and over we roll and we seek for the answers. But with every answer ten new questions rise and we find ourselves trapped within the devil’s circle. A terrible situation to be in and a state no one would trade you for. The abyss of the unknown and uncertainty, the life of mystery evoking only...
Short stories, opinions and poems.