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Showing posts from March, 2014

A mix of thoughts

Do you feel the sun rise in the morning or do you lament the fall of the moon? A curious journey through the flow of time, bouncing off the wrinkles of this old sphere, our temporary home - the blue planet. Have you gone out today, breathed in the fresh air of spring? The cleansing air touches your lungs and triggers a new sensation within - you feel alive once more; and once more your woes vanish into thin air. The ground we stand and walk upon, a mix of earth and seeds of life. There exists another world, on a different scale and with another purpose. A plain field of grass I desire, a horse and a saddle, to ride towards the horizon, discover, breath and rise to new heights with my soul. I am a free man; no human shall dare to bind me. I will tear apart the chains of bondage and rise my hands towards the sky. For this world and the life forms on it are my responsibility. A scream into the empty space in front of me, a cry for help or a call for charge? Everything we do,

Recalling a dream

I usually write about philosophical ideas of mine or from personal experiences. Sometimes I mix those two subjects by merging them within a fictive story. Today I want to do something different. I want to recall my dream. I desire to write down what happened there. Those rare instances I remember them… I have a special connection and relation towards my dreams. So bear with me, while I recall and retell my dream to you: I’m on a plane. We’re flying. My parents are next to me. We are going to Turkey, the land of my ancestors. The air outside is cloudy, there is a weird orange hue on all of the colors, desaturated, a monochrome scene presents itself. A flash, a scene-cut, darkness. Next I remember I’m in a room with a bunch of old friends. I feel warm, I feel secure. I know them, I’ve known them for a long time. They aren’t my current friends, they had been my friends. But I feel like it’s been just yesterday. I don’t feel as if I don’t belong, quite the opposite. It’s a big

Forced Mistakes

When you look out the window, do you feel a sense of guilt? Have you done something wrong outside those four walls you spend most of your life in? Does you conscience vibrate when you remember back? There are various kinds of mistakes we as human beings can commit. There are those we plan, there are those we accidentally cause because of carelessness. But there is one kind of mistake that is quite hard to deal with. The forced mistakes. Confrontations are an essential part of our lives. Sometimes we fight over a subject for so long that after a while we get annoyed in such a manner, we start saying stuff we usual would never say. It’s not because we mean what we say, but because we are fed up, angered, annoyed, disturbed by all the continuing fighting. When we reach the phase were logic arguments don’t have any value anymore and it’s only about “I’m right because I say so” things tend to get ugly pretty quick. Because what else is the abandonment of logic and proper argumenta